Saturday, April 16, 2011

Movin’, movin’, movin’, keep that paperwork movin’!!

As most of you know, there are three primary steps that our paperwork needs to move through before we can schedule our second travel date to pick up Jonathon and Madison.  So just to recap:


Approval at U.S. Immigration:  4-6 weeks

Issue Article 5 from the U.S. Embassy in Sofia:  4-6 weeks

Bulgaria Ministry of Justice issues court date:  2-3 weeks

Provided the court doesn’t request more information, travel will be about 2-3 weeks after court date.


Well GREAT news.  We got our U.S. Immigration approval early this week which means it was processed in only 2 weeks (see don’t knock the speed/efficiency of the all federal agencies!!)


Lets pray for continued speed but we’re ecstatic that we appear to be 2-4 weeks ahead of schedule!!

1 comment:

John and Sarah said...

Yay for you! 1 month less that you hsvr to wait to pick up those adorable kids. We'll pray that everything keeps going as smoothly.