Saturaday night we tried to get the kitchen really prepped so we could start on the cabinets and ceiling on Sunday. First, we did get to celebrate Easter (on a smaller scale). We got up at 5:30am for a sunrise
service (we went on a short hike with our friends Dan and Natalie to this mountian top that has a beautiful view).

Then after our regular church service we headed out to the house - super motivated to get our 'list' done. Joe did some patching while Myra painted the ceiling (talk about a crick in the neck)! Then Myra started to prime all the kitchen cabinets. Joe said 'Oh, I doubt those will take more than 45 minutes to prime'...and went out to mow our 'field'.

Joe did another coat on the ceiling and we were excited that we got what we wanted done (for once!)! :-) Here's some more pics.