We went to Seattle this past weekend for a little getaway. The main reason was to see the Dead Sea Scrolls which were on exhibit from Isreal at the Pacific Science Center. They rarely leave Isreal, so it was cool to have the chance to see them. They were much smaller than I think we expected but I guess when you have to write on animal skin (parchment) you learn to conserve space. Unfortunately it was pouring all day Saturday so not lots of good pictures to show.

We did have a chance to play around and spent a lot more time there than we thought we would. We went to the planetarium too!

Click HERE to see the rest of the photo album.
We stopped off at Pikes Market to do some shopping then got on our way, but we had one more stop...IKEA.
A friend wanted us to stop off at IKEA and get a light that wasn't available online. So we did, thinking we'd get in and out in no time. IT'S A TRAP! You can't leave there with only what was on the list. We bought ouself some kitchen stuff and a bookcase (a prior display model). Unfortunately...we are a bad judge of size and it didn't really fit in the Blazer. So we did the best we could, bungee corded the hatch down and Myra's knees were in the dashboard for the 4 hour ride. Of course it was pouring all the way home (major flooding going in the Pacific NW). I suppose it was worth it but it looks huge in our tiny apartment!!

I think we are staying put for a couple weeks (to figure out where to put this bookcase!) but we'll be heading to MEXICO for Thanksgiving!!!
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