The rehersal dinner was at the Old Spaghetti Factory (yum) and then we went for a few drinks and to catch up with everyone.
The wedding was great, no cold feet from what we could tell and the reception was definitly fun. A few of the old Clarkson crew - many with their signficant others were able to make it out:

Although we really tried to stay out even later after the wedding, we realized that we were just getting too old!

The snow on Sunday forced us to leave a little early for the aiport but by the time our plane was supposed to leave everything was getting delayed or cancelled! They switched us from Delta to United in the hopes of getting back in time but we didn't leave until 9 hours of sitting in the airport! It was a late night but well worth it, even though I told Cooper they should have gotten married in the summer!
To view all of our pictures, click HERE.
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