Well considering it's been since Thanksgiving since we posted anything, a little catching up is in order. So of course descriptions of everything are going to be pretty limited but hold on to your hats, cause away we go.....

Farewell to the Chileans:
In December we had to say "goodbye", or at least "So long for now" to a couple of our dearest friends as they returned to Chile. It is time for Pato, Ximena, Bea, and Max to head back to their home and families but nonetheless we had to have a party and a few tears to say our goodbyes.
We celebrated Christmas in a number of places this year. First in Oregon with a couple white elephant exchanges, then in New York and Pennsylvania with our families. It snowed in Corvallis which is a bit of a rarity and caused everything to come to a screetching hult. And last but not least, the Christmas tree we eyed up in our side yard finally came tumbling down and made it's way into the house.
It wasn't long after we got back out west from Christmas that we turned around and flew back for a long weekend to help celebrate Grandma Franz's 90th birthday. Short trip but it was a great chance to see the entire family which hasn't happened for a number of years.
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