There is SO SO SO much that has changed with our family, and Madison and Jonathon this year. They are doing amazing! We hope to talk more about that later…
But, now, some pictures from Myra’s NEW DSLR camera. After 10 months of whining (since the kids came home) about how awful our point and shoot was, Joe finally was broken down and agreed to a MUCH better camera. Myra took so many pictures the first morning (this past Saturday) of the kids (who say ‘cheeesssee’ now as soon as they see a camera), that they eventually decided they wanted ‘Cheese” and went to the fridge to ask for it… (maybe we should repeat VEGETABLES over and over and they would feel the need for some broccoli).
Trying out the continuous shooting mode:
Madison is getting so big and is CERTAIN of what she wants. She found this PJ shirt (above) in Jonathon’s drawer and would wear nothing else.
Jonathon is also growing so much (but he needs a haircut...much like his Daddy!):
Being silly:
Daddy: the tickle-monster:
Walking/Investigating at a local wildlife preserve:
Madison has a love/hate relationship with bugs – here she ‘caught’ an ant. She also likes to jump off of the benches:
Jonathon being a clown:
It was also VERY hot this weekend – we broke out a new ‘beach ball/sprinkler”. Madison LOVED it from the start. Jonathon is a little reserved and needed Daddy (who was trying to clean his garage and not prepared for water fun) to bring him through to enjoy it (yes, he’s laughing!).:
Now that Myra has her new fancy camera it will get broken out more (which means that hopefully there will be more updates!).
So sweet, thanks for the update!
I love seeing the pictures! They are getting so big!
So glad you posted an update! I have been wondering how your kiddos are doing... not sure if it is possible for you guys to travel to Cincinnati, OH... but we are now having an annual gathering for those families who have adopted from Bulgaria. To think it all began last year when a couple of families said we wanted to get together... this year there are 27 confirmed families.
Check out the Blog when you have a minute:
We had that same beach ball sprinkler. Sadly we had nothing but trouble with it :( Did your hold up for very long?
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